dijous, 1 de juny del 2017

Film Trailer

Here it is the trailer of the scottish film Mary Queen of Scots. We hope you enjoy it!

dijous, 15 de desembre del 2016


In the next video you can see and listen our favourite song of this cold season!

dimecres, 23 de novembre del 2016

Definition of culture

We think that the best definition of culture is this one:

because culture is everywhere, it means everything. Culture is the different customs of each civilization, the traditions and many more things which make our world history.

Our deinition of culture

Culture is all this kind of things that make every civilitzation unique having their own traditions and making them special.

dijous, 17 de novembre del 2016

Vocabulary "The lady in the veil"

Glimpse: entreveure.
Leap: saltar/botar.
Chest: tors.
Dragged: arrossegat.
Infatuated: enamorat bojament.
Sparkled: reflectir.
Graveyard: cementeri.
Witty: ingeniós.
Beg: pregar.
Useless: inútil.
Rush: amb pressa.
Mailbox: bústia.
Bound: aproximar, acostar.
Aside: a un costat, apartar-se.
Spot: lloc.
heart-stopping: vertiginós.
withered: debilitat.
abomination: repugnancia.

dijous, 27 d’octubre del 2016


If you click on the link below you would see our vocabulary quizlet.



Culture is blood. It is a part of yourself.

Culture is the sun. You can see it in wherever.

dijous, 13 d’octubre del 2016


Hello, we are Carla Manonellas and Carla Brau and in our blog you could find a lot of information about English Culture, why is so important around the world, why English is a very important language and why we should learn it and so on. 

        If we are interested in language, we will learn it better. We will share with you the culture of many countries (traditions, cuisine, events...). We expect to learn with you sharing our blog.

          Welcome and thank you for reading us. The next post will be in a few days, can you imagine what we are going to talk about?